Yesterday after we got back from Potato Hill and we got done with our flower pressings we went back to camp and got our clothes ready for the showers. The showers were very cold but I need to be all clean because I didn’t feel like being all dirty for like 2 or 3 days. But I got use to it of course and I felt so good. After that then we had dinner, but before dinner me and my cousin went into the tent and laid down and went to sleep for a bit. Then we were laughing because we was playing games on our phones and we kept dying and I got first place but not for killing people. That is the only thing that sucked about the game. We had circle and we was talking about the huckleberries how they are not growing and why they are gone before we pick unless people are over picking. When we went up to Potato Hill the berries were already growing but they are still green. I’m hoping when we go up there with the school on the second day that there will be berries, if not then I’m not gonna be happy because I love huckleberries. I picked strawberries and I shared with everyone, but there was some people that didn’t want some. We all talked about what’s happening to our berries and water. My job yesterday was picking stuff up and at least I did not get dishes because I’m not a fan of dishes and most of my family knows that. Then we all went to sleep because we had to pack and also wake up early and put the stuff in the van. I am squished right now in this small van. Before I was riding with Monet so that me and my group could go get our trail cameras. Then we went to  Warm Springs, but we went through Glenwood. Mrs. Mesplie almost hit a deer when it was crossing and I was sleeping but I heard Mrs. Mesplie say deer. Then I woke up but also I fell of the chair. I am happy because it rained up where we were by Walmart and the rain smells good, I don’t know why but I just love it.


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